(FPC Press Release)
SAN FRANCISCO (September 6, 2024) – Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced today that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision partially upholding FPC’s previously secured preliminary injunction against California’s Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) ban on firearm carry in public. The opinion in Carralero v. Bonta can be found at firearmspolicy.org/carralero.
“This partially favorable decision from the Ninth Circuit shows how far we’ve come over the past decade. But this case, and our work to restore the right to bear arms, is far from over. FPC will continue to fight forward until all peaceable people can fully exercise their right to carry in California and throughout the United States,” said FPC President Brandon Combs.
FPC was joined in Carralero by three individual FPC members, Orange County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, and California Gun Rights Foundation. Carralero was decided together with Wolford v. Lopez and May v. Bonta. FPC thanks and congratulates the Wolford and May parties