Note: In order to have the NRA process this discipline and certify you, you must have either completed the Basic Instructor Training (BIT) class previously or you must take it now.
Lesson Details
LESSON SIX (30 min) – Classroom
Goal of NRA Home Firearm Safety Course
Structure of the NRA Home Firearm SafetyCourse Outline and Lesson Plans
NRA policies and procedures for course length, materials, and teaching methods
Outline the content of the course
LESSON SEVEN (90 min) – Classroom
Importance of firearm safety
NRA gun safety rules
Parents’ responsibilities to teach children about gun safety
How to identify and unload rifles, pistols, and shotguns of various types
LESSON EIGHT (90 min) – Classroom
Safe handling practical exercise according to lesson plans
Ammunition components, types, compatibility, and firing sequence
Procedures for safe and proper cleaning of firearms
Guidelines for safe firearm storage
EXTRA – If time permits (10 min) – Classroom
Video: Fundamentals of Gun Safety (NRA)
EXAMINATION & CONCLUSION (90 min) – Classroom
Role of the examination in the training process
Student evaluations
Importance of student recognition
Take instructor certification test: Score of 90% required for full certification