Vote REFORM This Year on Your NRA Ballot!

“For anyone who has followed gun rights and the travails of the NRA , Jeff Knox needs no introduction.

It’s hard to imagine a person more committed to turning the NRA from a rolling dumpster fire into a sound and effective organization.

Dennis Fusaro may be less known, but not to me. I have known Dennis for over 30 years and in that time seen his selfless dedication to this cause.

Fusaro, during his tenure at Gun Owners of America, was directly responsible for the creation of our organization, the Oregon Firearms Federation.

If you are known by the people who attack you, Fusaro has made all the right enemies.

I have zero faith in the NRA and their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but in the unlikely event that organization could ever be turned around these guys would be the ones to do it.”

Kevin Starrett
Oregon Firearms Federation

Read More About NRA Reform Candidates HERE

Author: Glenn

Glenn has been involved with firearms since the 1980s, whether by writing articles in support of the average citizen’s right to bear arms, acting as a firearms instructor or as an outspoken activist, most notably as the founder of New York City Guns.

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